Today we went Upcountry -- up the Haleakala Crater Road -- for an event at the home and studio of George Allen, probably Maui's best painter. Very Maui. A Makawao art gallery is sponsoring a week of events around July 4 involving painters who wish to "compete" by painting in a variety of venues, ending in a show and sale next week. Today's location was the gardens of the Allen home. We have always admired his work, and lusted after his fabulous oils, but we've only acquired two prints, and those some years ago. If we were to win the lottery....we'd probably start at his studio and see how much we had left afterwards.
So we made our way up the hill after dropping a friend off at the airport, and noted that the whole area was engulfed in clouds, not that unusual, but surely a disappointment for the painters. When we got there we found a number of folks still painting away, and others inside sipping coffee and eating mango bread with homemade lemon marmalade. Everyone sort of shifted around, especially during a brief downpour, and we had a chance to explore the lovely gardens as well as chat with the artists.
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