Yesterday we snorkeled, and had a great day. Tom spotted an eel, a type we have not seen before and have not yet identified. The eel slithered along and looked into a hole as a possible hiding place, and quickly retreated. As he headed off in another direction, a larger zebra eel, dark red-orange with white stripes, emerged from the hole and followed along, just to make sure the intruder did not change his mind. There were a couple of turtles, including one who came rather close as he hit the surface to breathe a few times, but then Tom spotted the big winner -- a manta ray. It did not come very close, and was "only" about 6 feet across, but he was spectacular. this was quite an unusual sighting for snorkelers.
In the afternoon we went upcountry to a nursery looking for some plants for the yard. Typically Maui, we were going to the legendary Ace Hardware garden center, but when we got there, it had a True Value sign on it. Just to make sure, Tom asked -- yup it is called da Kula Ace, even though it became a True Value almost 6 years ago. We wonder how long it will be before the name catches up to it.
We found some wonderful hibiscus, and though we did not bring any home with us, these were pretty enough for closeups.
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