Monday, December 10, 2012

A Maui Thanksgiving

Although we had only been home for 6 weeks after our most excellent French trip, Thanksgiving is ALWAYS celebrated in Maui.  We didn't taken many photos, since we were busy visiting, talking and generally being there.  So this is just a taste of our more excellent Thanksgiving. 

Cafe on the Green, our newest favorite place to be in Maui. 
 Debbie, Tom M and Alfie joined us for a lunch. 
 What is it about water spouts and kids?
 We were surprised at how lush Michele's garden had become in just 6 months.

 Alfie brought us a vanilla bean for Thanksgiving.  This is NOT the vanilla bean that makes vanilla. 
 Inside the purse-sized pod is a fibrous material encasing big black bean-sized seeds. 
 The seeds have no flavor, but the fibrous material tastes like a vanilla melon.  Very cool. 
 It would not be Maui Sunset without a few Maui sunsets. 

 We took a sunset stroll along the King's Walk. 

 And our very last morning I woke up early to see the moon setting over west Maui. 

Mahalo, and aloha until next time....

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