Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Our next outing was to the Grand Bazaar and Suleiman Cami, or the Mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent.  

We saw a few familiar sights along the way.  

As usual, the Grand Bazaar sounds like a fun place to visit with its 3000 shops, but it is so hectic and relentless that it soon becomes a chore, and then a place you can’t wait to leave.  It is hot (all those light bulbs), it is noisy (all those touts hollering at you to make a deal), it is confusing (set out on a grid that is not really a grid), and finally, exhausting (see all of the above).  It was also hard to take photos, since even the shortest pause from walking would attract a shopkeeper to try to sell something.  So we made our purchases, and left by way of the booksellers’ bazaar.  

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