Sunday, May 8, 2016

With Jeanne at Parc Citroen

Tom and I are always delighted to receive an invitation from our dear friend Jeanne.  This time is was for lunch at her home, followed by a long walk in Parc Citroen nearby.  We had visited the park once before, years ago in the middle of summer during a deadly heat wave.  Then, the park was dry, and if not dead, certainly suffering in the heat.  This time is was green and burgeoning with life.  We had a great time, stopping from time to time to admire the landscape, a tree or flower, and for a few minutes of always fascinating conversation before moving on.  It was a lovely day.  

 The balloon was grounded, probably because of the breeze. 

 Each garden area has a different color theme. 

 Note the arrangements of stones in the Japanese themed garden below. 
 The silver garden. 
 The golden garden. 

 This sign says that access to the water jets is forbidden.  As you can see, it's working really well. 

The fun for the kids is the changing water jets that spurt one moment, then stop and return higher or lower. 

 Sadly, the irises were not yet blooming. 


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