Friday, August 29, 2008

The Excitement of Home Improvement

For the past almost four years we have been trying to complete a relatively modest remodel (see way earlier posts) that would have taken about two months on the mainland. Such is life. (We do hear that homebuyers in this area pay a premium for properties that have been recently remodeled since they have a sense of how hard, long and frustrating it can be.) Our project to paint the decks has been expanded considerably by the discovery that the initial installation had failed to properly treat the nail holes, which are now rotten.

So -- a load of lumber delivered to replace the rotten boards. Breathless anticipation! will the truck make the driveway?

Will the lumber get unloaded?

Oh....and another sunset....


Sgeank said...

Gorgeous and I'm sure well worth every breathe of smoke and construction workers, I have to say getting some to show up on the mainland isn't all it's cracked up to be either! We're waiting and waiting and they are 3 weeks late. W/o the view to watch while we wait!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to tell to tell from the picture of the forklift but I didn't see the falling-over banana tree. Did you get good bananas from it? I see some bananas growing now higher up the slope...
