Thursday, November 6, 2008

Almost home again....

After a 40 hour trip (yes forty hours from the time we hopped in the taxi in Florence, to the rain-soaked arrival and transfer to the hotel in the outskirts of Rome, to returning to the Rome airport less than 12 hours later for our departure, to entering the USA in Washington Dulles, to SFO and the cab ride to Berkeley) we have arrived. I suppose we could continue the hour count with the return trip to Maui, but we are too tired to contemplate it at this point.

We still have a few photos and reports of our last couple of days in Florence that could not be posted due to poor wifi along the way, so we'll get to those in a day or two. Meanwhile, a few visits with family and friends, and consideration of a rescheduling of our return to Maui.

Note to self: I can survive a month and change of season and socializing in a reasonably nice outfit with three pairs of pants and four tops, raincoats are a good thing, and never forget the Zicam and sudafed.

More notes to self: it is really cold here in Northern California. The colors were lovely while landing in Washington DC -- we should plan a visit next fall when the leaves are turning, especially now that Washington DC is a more inviting place. (Um, yes we had been planning the leaf-peeping tour of New England when the Florence gig came along....) Martha's visit to Florence was a lot of fun. Wifi is essential....

More later....

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