Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dinner with Ann

 The next day got off to a slow start, since the day before was pretty late.  We were on our way to bed at 1, and the party went on long after that.  So we were pretty well awake by lunch time on the terrace with Jeanne, Anne and Claire.

The walk through the hamlet came next. 

Right outside the gate we found a troop of girl scouts cleaning the local landmark, a statue of the Virgin Mary and Christ Child that had been engulfed by weeds, and was pretty dirty. 

Then it was off to the church, that sadly, was locked. 

We continued to the chateau, the home of Francois and Babatte.  Today we got a look at the outside.  Below are photos of the front, which is too big to fit in one photo.  

This is the right side and right wing. 

 This is the front entrance and the left side and left wing.  The front entrance is below. 
But since Francois and Babette were not at home, we trundled back to Claire's and got ready for the next party about a half hour away, at the  summer home of Jeanne's sister Ann's family.

 And it was quite a home.  There were so many people to meet and talk to that we had not much time for photos.  We learned later that it is about 10,000 square feet, and it used only for family gatherings and summers.  The family is about 50 people, though, so it might even get a little crowded!  In any event, our group of about 25 did not seem to even cause a ripple, as they effortlessly served wine and aperos under the tall trees, and then a dinner of gaspacho, grilled shrimp, green salad, a chocolate tart very like a giant brownie, and some of the best (homemade) ice cream I have ever had -- vanilla so rich it tasted like butter scotch.  And again, everyone was so warm and welcoming that we hardly realized when it was after midnight and time to think about the drive back to Claire's. 
 Ann's family home. 

The dining table under the trees.

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