Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Epic European Tour, Fall 2019: The Vendee. Our travels begin!

After months of adjusting itineraries to get to favored destinations (Munich, Salzburg) and avoiding others (Munich during Oktoberfest, and automobile-hostile Milan), we came up with a plan.

Happily, it began in the Vendee region of France, with an idyllic week with dear friend Jeanne. If you've read the blog from the beginning, her home will be familiar to you.  For us it was, after two years, a homecoming.

And so began our week of spectacular meals from Jeanne's garden savored under the chestnut trees.

We had a few outings, from a visit to La Roche-sur-Yon to pick up waylaid bank cards where we took in an installation of mechanical animals in the central park, and spied a CHP motocycle (what?  no clue)....

We visited Neiul-sur-L'Aautise, an abbey endowed by Elienor of Aquitaine and brilliantly restored,

Jar sur mer, where we enjoyed mussels as usual,  

We spied a Little Library in a nearby village.  They are popping up all over, even in Paris.

 Some pleasures were closer to home, where we made the pilgrimage to visit the standing stone on a nearby farm. 

 And here he is!  Someone(s) carted this thing here from 100 miles away. 

Our final day we had an excellent lunch nearby, and enjoyed the Parc floral next door, teaming with all sorts of flowers, but most exuberantly, lotus flowers, some still in bloom.

For ssc, these are crepes...
citrus terrine,
and a meringue fantasy for moi! 

 And then it was farewell to the Vendee, and off to Munich!

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