Sunday, May 29, 2016

Le Grand Train

Sunday was not a promising day.  The skies were again dark and threatening.  We had had an outing in mind, but the weather was not cooperating.  We wanted to get out of the apartment for some kind of outing.

A couple of weeks ago we had gone to Poissonier-Marcadet for a vide grenier (emptying of the attic -- a sort of neighborhood sidewalk garage sale) and spotted a building labeled SNCF.  During the week we had seen a poster advertising a pop-up train museum with restaurants and shops.  Since it is close by and mostly inside, we took a chance. 

 They really wanted us to know that the train system is the heart, soul and guts of the country, as well as a serpent. 

 Inside the train shed were examples of about a dozen types of trains, with descriptions of each one -- when it was in service, what kind of work it performed, and its interesting features. 

Outside there were tracks for working on the trains, some of which had been turned into a louning area, others into a garden.  We spotted a giant beetle, as well as real bee hives. 

In an adjacent building there were a variety of small cafes, beer and wine bars, and shops, including one selling quite elaborate model trains.  

 And more trains! 

 And music! 

And more trains! 

 Just as we got to the end of the trains and back at the entrance area, the drops began to fall.  We walked back to the bus stop and got home before the rain really got going. 

Tom decided to find out how much rain is normal for May.  It is the rainiest month, but this May has had 150% of normal, and the month is not quite over.  Sigh.

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