Sunday, September 2, 2012

Walking Tour of Bordeaux

 A few highlights of our walking tour of Bordeaux... Above, the oldest cafe in town; below, a traditional ironwork balcony;
 the facade of L'eglise de Notre-Dame;
 the interesting, and old, arches of the church interior;
 the altar;
 a carousel a few blocks away, closed up in the early morning;

 the old and new of the electric tram in front of the old Grand Theatre;
 the mirror fountain at its lowest ebb;
 above the mirror fountain misting;

 the most beautiful balcony in Bordeaux, according to our guide;
 the traditional light fixtures seen throughout the town;
and the stylized scallop shell that guides pilgrims on the trail of Santiago de Compostela in Spain -- the same trail we saw in the Pyrenees a few years ago; 
 finishing at the Porte De Caillou, where kings and queens would enter the town to pay a visit. 
 Turning away from the Porte, we found this interesting and very modern fountain along the sidewalk; this is what you get when streets are closed to traffic.  We made our way across town to the Cathedral St. Andre, too big to fit in a single photo, no matter how far away one gets. 

Then back to the hotel to rest up before the afternoon boat tour. 

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