Sunday, September 16, 2012

Patromoine Visit #4: Hotel de Matignon, Residence du Premier Ministre

Saturday night we had dinner with friends Anne and Pauline at a neighborhood  restaurant, catching up on all the news.  So Sunday we got a start later than we had intended, especially since we had a lot to see on our Patromoine list. 

The first stop was Hotel de Matignon, the residence of the Prime Minister.  We treid a few years ago to see the L'Eysee Palace, the residence of the President, but the lines had been hours long, so we gave up.  We figured that the prime minister might not be quite so popular.  What we did not know is that as we were waiting in line at the Hotel de Matignon, the President and his partner were signing autographs and having photos taken with the folks at the Palace.  But then again, we figured those were the folks who had waited in line since 5 AM, so perhaps they deserved it.

No VIPs at this stop for us, but both the building and the grounds were worth the hour wait. The rooms were magnificent, the furnishings were spectacular, and the grounds were big enough to be two parks, which apparently they were in other times.

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